About Us:

Dear Friend,

Welcome to Amrita Marketing! I’m Arnius, its founder and owner. Like you, I believe that Yoga-focused businesses help people reconnect with the divine, and I want to encourage this aspect in all of my business avenues.

To understand the inspiration that drives this agency, please take a few minutes to read this letter. But if there’s one lesson you should get from this letter, it’s this:

Your business… your progress… your success… they are all a reflection of what’s inside.
I learned it the hard way.

Many years ago, I was the last person people thought would embark on a self-realization journey and enlightenment.
I used to be the type of guy who chased the most expensive, superficial things in life. (Yes, that type of guy.)

I was also an ambitious bunch, investing in different sorts of ventures—most of which flopped anyway. Mindless spending and ambition do not mix well.

So what was the cause of my chain of failures? A downward cycle of bad habits that got worse as the years passed by.
But back then, I wasn’t aware that my outlooks and habits were the primary cause of my failures and desperation.

So long as I lacked self-awareness and self-mastery, I eventually hit rock bottom, losing almost all my money.
I was a wasteful mess… it was near-impossible for me to escape this vortex of terrible routines and superficiality.

I thought that was it for me. I was finished…
But you’ll never know what a small act of charity can do to a person who is secretly hurting inside.

Seven years ago, a good friend of mine introduced me to Yoga and mindfulness meditation.

After some convincing on his part, I told myself: “Why not? What’s there to lose anyway?” So I took what was left in my wallet and went to Satsang.

There I trained under the guidance of Artur Sita, whom I am proud to call my enlightened master. It didn’t take long before I finally glimpsed into my own eternal and divine nature.

Before I knew it, I was out of the black hole I created, thanks to my good friend and master. I got rid of my bad habits and replaced them with the insights I learned from the yoga. I became a serious student, meditating for at least two hours a day.


Yoga Marketing Agency - About Us

Then it happened.

One day, while experiencing a Samadhi, I felt a sudden urge to help other entrepreneurs on a spiritual path to reach success through digital marketing. I understood how critical the spiritual path is for every human being on Earth.

So taking my knowledge of digital marketing and yoga, I desire to help Yoga entrepreneurs spread spiritual themes to as many people as possible through digital marketing. I firmly believe this will eventually lead to a higher level of consciousness for the whole of humanity.
And that was how Amrita Marketing was born.

In case you’re curious – I chose the word “Amrita” because it means “immortal” or “eternal.” This term is also from Sanskrit, which resonates with our focus on helping Yoga-focused entrepreneurs reach their target sales. (Who knows? Maybe we can scale your business so that you’ll work with us “for eternity”? 😉)

The more love we exude out into the world, the better – which is why I want to thank you for deciding to grow your Yoga-focused business to make the world a better place.

And if you choose to unite with us as one force, we can help you amplify your reach and better spread your mindset and ideas out into this world.

Let’s connect and create a better Mother Earth together.
Arnius Gali

What We Do

Establishing a Business Relationship

Every client is unique in their regard, and we treat them as such. We understand the spiritual industry well, and we want to build long-lasting relationships with each of our clients to ensure all goals are reached.


A well-developed plan reflects a well-developed soul, ready to reach out to the universe. Likewise, our approaches are highly organized and always on top of every operation. We ensure you receive the right exposure and awareness.


The Yoga industry is all about being mindful, open-minded, and utilizing creativity. We apply these values in every project. So we use our ingenuity to create original and engaging strategies that cater to your unique goals.


At Amrita Marketing, we act just as much as we strategize. We ensure each campaign is meticulously executed so you can scale endlessly.

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